Results for 'Paola Gimenez Amarilla'

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  1.  16
    Motion or Emotion? Recognition of Emotional Bodily Expressions in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder With and Without Intellectual Disability.Noemi Mazzoni, Isotta Landi, Paola Ricciardelli, Rossana Actis-Grosso & Paola Venuti - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    (1 other version)Algunos modelos para planeación y programación en empresas de servicios.Pedro Pablo Ballesteros Silva & Diana Paola Ballesteros Riveros - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Fostering circular economy through open innovation: Insights from multiple case study.Francesco Antonio Perotti, Augusto Bargoni, Paola De Bernardi & Zoltan Rozsa - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    This study represents an empirical, comprehensive investigation of two different inter-organisational collaborative approaches, offering a novel perspective on collaborative circular business models in the modern economy. In this vein, we explore how open innovation strategies foster the implementation of circular economy practices within a circular supply chain and a circular ecosystem. In addition, we identify and characterise stakeholders' roles in facilitating the translation of circular principles into a viable business. An inductive theorising approach was employed, leveraging an explorative multiple case (...)
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    Appropriateness of colonoscopy in a digestive endoscopy unit: a prospective study using ASGE guidelines.Renzo Suriani, Mario Rizzetto, Dario Mazzucco, Silvia Grosso, Paola Gastaldi, Maria Marino, Sabina Sanseverinati, Ivo Venturini, Athos Borghi & Maria Luisa Zeneroli - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (1):41-45.
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    Programa de educación emocional: “Aventurémonos en familia”.Ana Rita Russo de Sánchez, Liceth Paola Reales Silvera & Diana Paola Mayor Molinares - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (2):1-16.
    Programa Aventurémonos en Familia, busca generar un espacio para el reconocimiento, la regulación y la recuperación emocional de los niños, niñas, jóvenes y sus familias en medio de la crisis presentada por la Covid-19, y que se encuentran inmersos en contextos de violencia. Es un Programa de educación emocional, orientado a promover la salud mental y la funcionalidad familiar. En el marco de su implementación se desarrolló una investigación mixta con 159 cuidadores y 139 niñas y niñas de los departamentos (...)
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    The Validation of the Free Fantasy Questionnaire for Children and Adolescents: From Imaginary Playmate to “Dreamtime”.Renato Donfrancesco, Claudio Vezzani, Giuliana Pinto, Lucia Bigozzi, Angela Dibenedetto, Maria Grazia Melegari, Paola Gregori, Elda Andriola, Francesca Di Roma, Alessia Renzi, Renata Tambelli & Michela Di Trani - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Maladaptive Daydreaming in an Adult Italian Population During the COVID-19 Lockdown.Alessandro Musetti, Christian Franceschini, Luca Pingani, Maria Francesca Freda, Emanuela Saita, Elena Vegni, Corrado Zenesini, Maria Catena Quattropani, Vittorio Lenzo, Giorgia Margherita, Daniela Lemmo, Paola Corsano, Lidia Borghi, Roberto Cattivelli, Giuseppe Plazzi, Gianluca Castelnuovo, Eli Somer & Adriano Schimmenti - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    During the COVID-19 outbreak, individuals with or without mental disorders may resort to dysfunctional psychological strategies that could trigger or heighten their emotional distress. The current study aims to explore the links between maladaptive daydreaming, psychological symptoms of depression, anxiety, and negative stress, and COVID-19-related variables, such as changes in face-to-face and online relationships, during the COVID-19 lockdown in Italy. A total of 6,277 Italian adults completed an online survey, including socio-demographic variables, COVID-19 related information, the 16-item Maladaptive Daydreaming Scale, (...)
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    The art of pain: A quantitative color analysis of the self-portraits of Frida Kahlo.Federico E. Turkheimer, Jingyi Liu, Erik D. Fagerholm, Paola Dazzan, Marco L. Loggia & Eric Bettelheim - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:1000656.
    Frida Kahlo (1907–1954) was a Mexican artist who is remembered for her self-portraits, pain and passion, and bold, vibrant colors. This work aims to use her life story and her artistic production in a longitudinal study to examine with quantitative tools the effects of physical and emotional pain (rage) on artistic expression. Kahlo suffered from polio as a child, was involved in a bus accident as a teenager where she suffered multiple fractures of her spine and had 30 operations throughout (...)
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    Serpientes y monos: metáforas sobre género producidas por estudiantes de pedagogía.Amanda Victoria Valenzuela Valenzuela & Paola Lorena Alarcón Hernández - 2021 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 31 (2):270-285.
    El sistema educativo es responsable por la transmisión y expresión de la mayor parte de los patrones socioculturales que integran nuestra sociedad, entre los cuales se encuentra el género. Este es un tema de reciente abordaje en el contexto educativo, por lo cual son necesarios los estudios respecto a las percepciones docentes al respecto. Por otro lado, la metáfora es una herramienta utilizada en la vida cotidiana de las personas, para facilitar la producción y comprensión de conceptos abstractos, por lo (...)
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  10.  17
    The Environmental Value of the Forests.Pablo Campos Palacín, Alejandro Caparrós Grass, José L. Oviedo Pro & Paola Ovando Pol - 2008 - Arbor 184 (729).
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    Eye development: a view from the retina pigmented epithelium.Juan Ramón Martínez-Morales, Isabel Rodrigo & Paola Bovolenta - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (7):766-777.
    The retina pigment epithelium (RPE) is a highly specialised epithelium that serves as a multifunctional and indispensable component of the vertebrate eye. Although a great deal of attention has been paid to its transdifferentiation capabilities and its ancillary functions in neural retina development, little is known about the molecular mechanisms that specify the RPE itself. Recent advances in our understanding of the genetic network that controls the progressive specification of the eye anlage in vertebrates have provided some of the initial (...)
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    Intuition as Emergence: Bridging Psychology, Philosophy and Organizational Science.Paola Adinolfi & Francesca Loia - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Accelerating environmental uncertainty and the need to cope with increasingly complex market and social demands, combine to create high value for the intuitive approach to decision-making at the strategic level. Research on intuition suffers from marked fragmentation, due to the existence of disciplinary silos based on diverse, apparently irreconcilable, ontological and epistemological assumptions. Not surprisingly, there is no integrated interdisciplinary framework suitable for a rich account of intuition, contemplating how affect and cognition intertwine in the intuitive process, and how intuition (...)
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  13. The animal question: why nonhuman animals deserve human rights.Paola Cavalieri (ed.) - 2001 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    How much do animals matter--morally? Can we keep considering them as second class beings, to be used merely for our benefit? Or, should we offer them some form of moral egalitarianism? Inserting itself into the passionate debate over animal rights, this fascinating, provocative work by renowned scholar Paola Cavalieri advances a radical proposal: that we extend basic human rights to the nonhuman animals we currently treat as "things." Cavalieri first goes back in time, tracing the roots of the debate (...)
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  14. Estéticas de la Calle : la estética de la transgresión.Marco Tulio Pedroza Amarillas - 2021 - In Nicolás Amoroso, Olivia Fragoso Susunaga & Alejandra Olvera Rabadán (eds.), Lo estético en el arte, el diseño y la vida cotidiana. Ciudad de México: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Azcapotzalco.
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    Art in an age of Bonapartism, a social history of modern art.Ralphaël Antoine Gimenez - 1993 - History of European Ideas 17 (5):691-693.
  16. Dos contrarios irreconciliables: Dios y los idolos en Sal 134-137.Enrique Sanz Giménez-Rico - 2011 - Gregorianum 92 (1):1-22.
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  17.  51
    Friendship, Knowledge and Reciprocity in Lysis.José Antonio Giménez - 2020 - Apeiron 53 (4):315-337.
    Plato’s characterization of philia in Lysis, on one hand, as one-sided belonging to the ultimate object of our desire and, on the other, as interpersonal reciprocal belonging appears problematic. Yonesawa has recently claimed that one can make sense of both uses of “belonging” if we assume that one is the other’s friend when each one coincides in being the ultimate object of the other’s desire. This paper proposes instead that Lysis’ ‘reciprocity’ of friendship results from friends’ right wanting, which presupposes (...)
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  18.  42
    For Structure A Critique of Ontological Individualism.Martha Gimenez - 2003 - Journal of Critical Realism 2 (2):19-25.
  19. Leer como derecho humano (una primera aproximación).Fernando Flores Giménez - 2025 - Derechos y Libertades: Revista de Filosofía del Derecho y derechos humanos 52:43-77.
    El artículo se plantea la posibilidad de abordar la lectura –el leer– como un derecho humano. Para ello se somete a las preguntas que la teoría general de los derechos utiliza para identificar las acciones que contienen los requisitos para ser consideradas como tales: por qué habría de ser la lectura un derecho, a quépropósito respondería, cuál es su naturaleza y a qué límites debería someterse. En esta primera aproximación, el texto presentado se detiene en el objeto de la lectura, (...)
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  20.  37
    The problems of the liberal university according to Alasdair MacIntyre.José Manuel Giménez Amaya & Sergio Sanchez-Migallon - 2019 - Scientia et Fides 8 (1):99–121.
    The university that Alasdair MacIntyre defines as liberal is that which rejects the tradition as something pre-modern and with an impediment for the progress, including the pedagogic one. This university model has been extended in all instances, giving priority to the technical education in a pragmatic way. Thus, the global and sapiential vision of the university has been relegated. This last approach is the key for unifying the knowledge and to pass it onto other people and, therefore, to educate and (...)
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  21.  17
    Lust, Sprache und das gute Leben in Platons Philebos.José Antonio Giménez - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 14:233-241.
    Die Platonforschung hat sich immer wieder mit den interpretatorischen Schwierigkeiten des Philebos befasst. Wahrscheinlich besteht die ernsthafteste Schwierigkeit dieses Dialogs darin, die Vielfalt der Themen, die hier behandelt werden, miteinander zu verbinden. Im Philebos wird die Frage nach dem guten Leben als Hauptthema vorgestellt, aber im Laufe des Dialogs werden sowohl dialektische Überlegungen über das Problem des Einen und Vielen als auch eine Klassifikation der ontologischen Gattungen des Kosmos eingeführt. Angesichts dieser Situation haben sich viele Interpreten ausschließlich auf die theoretischen (...)
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  22. Narrativas de los ex penitenciarios imputados en el Juicio por Delitos de Lesa Humanidad cometidos bajo el control operacional del V Cuerpo del Ejército.María Julia Giménez - 2012 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 3 (5):5 - 10.
  23.  11
    Lógica y ontología. La paradoja del discípulo misionero.Ramón Darío Valdivia Giménez - 2020 - Isidorianum 26 (51-52):11-28.
    El propósito de nuestro estudio tiene dos objetivos, el primero es identificar la lógica de la propuesta misionera del Papa Francisco, derivada del sujeto que debe llevarla a cabo: el discípulo misionero; y en segundo lugar mostrar los elementos ontológicos que estructuran la persona llamada a evangelizar. Descubrimos en el Papa Francisco la influencia de la lógica del humanismo de Nicolás de Cusa, así como la categoría principal de la ontología antropológica que lo sostiene: la paradoja.
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    Six Weeks of Confinement: Psychological Effects on a Sample of Children in Early Childhood and Primary Education.Marta Giménez-Dasí, Laura Quintanilla, Beatriz Lucas-Molina & Renata Sarmento-Henrique - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  25.  96
    The political theory of Stanley Cavell: The ordinary life of democracy Paola Marrati Skepticism, finitude and politics in the work of Stanley Cavell Andrew Norris Crossing the bounds of sense: Cavell and Foucault Jörg Volbers Cavell's 'forms of life' and biopolitics Cary Wolfe Misgiving, or Cavell's Gift Thomas Dumm Responses.Paola Marrati, Andrew Norris, Jörg Volbers, Cary Wolfe & Thomas Dumm - 2012 - Contemporary Political Theory 11 (4):397-429.
    We invited five Cavell scholars to write on this topic. What follows is a vibrant exchange among Paola Marrati, Andrew Norris, Jörg Volbers, Cary Wolfe and Thomas Dumm addressing the question whether, in the contemporary political context, Cavell’s skepticism and his Emersonian perfectionism amount to a politics at all.
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  26. Improving Emotion Comprehension and Social Skills in Early Childhood through Philosophy for Children.Marta Giménez-dasí, Laura Quintanilla & Marie-France Daniel - 2013 - Childhood and Philosophy 9 (17):63-89.
    The relationship between emotion comprehension and social competence from very young ages has been addressed in numerous studies in the field of developmental psychology. Emotion knowledge in childhood seems to have its roots in the conversations and explanations children hear about what emotions are and how to manage them. Given that behavioral interventions often do not achieve medium-term improvements or generalization to other contexts, this study evaluates the results of an intervention using the Thinking Emotions program. This program uses Philosophy (...)
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  27. The linguistic formulation of power : modality and power relations in two sets of sports-related arbitration rules.Paola Evangelisti Allori - 2008 - In V. K. Bhatia, Christopher Candlin & Paola Evangelisti Allori (eds.), Language, culture and the law: the formulation of legal concepts across systems and cultures. New York: Peter Lang.
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    “El protagonista de una fábula única”: análisis de “El narrador”, de Olga Orozco.Paola Ambrosoni - 2024 - Escritos 32 (69):1-14.
    La obra poética de Olga Orozco (1920-1999) es profundamente religiosa. El cuerpo es uno de los temas centrales en su preocupación por alcanzar lo divino. En este sentido, el cuerpo tiene doble valencia: opera como impedimento y también como condición de posibilidad. El abordaje interdisciplinario entre literatura y filosofía que asume este trabajo permite una relectura original del cuerpo en Orozco, que revela las implicancias filosóficas de su intuición poética. La primera parte recorre pasajes en los que el cuerpo es (...)
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    Some theorems on extensions of arithmetic.Robert A. Di Paola - 1967 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 32 (2):180-189.
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    Approaching psychoanalysis through symbolisms in Paul Diel's works.Raphaël Gimenez - 1997 - The European Legacy 2 (3):468-471.
  31.  12
    El retrato de la otredad en la Relación de la jornada de Cíbola: recursos léxicos para la arabización del indígena.Patricia Giménez-Eguíbar & Sonia Kania - 2021 - Al-Qantara 42 (2):16-16.
    This article analyzes the Arabisms and other lexical devices that are used to characterize the Native American in the Relación de la jornada de Cíbola by Pedro de Castañeda, a text that deals with the expedition that Francisco Vázquez de Coronado led to the present-day Southwestern United States from 1540 to 1542. After a general presentation of the text, the work focuses on the analysis of seven Arabisms along with other words, including nicknames, to disentangle the meanings and sociolinguistic implications (...)
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    HAN, Byung-Chul : La expulsión de lo distinto, Barcelona: Herder.Francisco Giménez Mateu - 2018 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 74:224.
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  33.  20
    La ética como respuesta al sufrimiento inútil en Emmanuel Levinas.Analía Giménez Giubbani - 2012 - Franciscanum 54 (158):99-116.
    Este artículo tiene como objeto tematizar la cuestión de la ética en Levinas como contestación al sufrimiento inútil. En esencia, se buscará mostrar cómo a través del análisis del sufrimiento el autor llega a la infinitud de la responsabilidad hacia el Otro inscripta en su Rostro, y por tanto a Dios. El primer apartado aborda el problema del mal desde un punto de vista fenomenológico y sus consecuencias; el segundo, se refiere a lo que Levinas denomina el “fin de la (...)
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  34. Oposición fiscal y reivindicaciones políticas: La revuelta de Peñíscola de 1715.Enrique Giménez López - 1988 - Contrastes 3:91-104.
    The reorganization of taxation within the territory under the Crown of Aragon, which was undertaken alfter the War of Succession, was performed at a period of economic difficulties and coincided with radical political change. It was therefore not unopposed. The study of the Peñiscola Revolt in 1715 is important for three main reasons: the opposition to taxation which fuelled it; the demands for a retum to the municipal organization of the period of the "fuero"; and the fact that it arose (...)
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  35.  25
    Platón y Damascio sobre los Placeres Del intelecto.José Antonio Giménez Salinas - 2016 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 25:215-243.
    A pesar de desarrollar una teoría del placer que incorpora elementos de tradiciones filosóficas posteriores, Damascio defiende en su Comentario al Filebo la concepción platónica del placer como un "proceso de repleción". Este trabajo pretende mostrar que Damascio no solo respeta la letra del Filebo, sino también el espíritu de la comprensión platónica del placer y, en particular, de los placeres intelectuales. Suponiendo la polaridad entre el deseo y su satisfacción, Damascio propone entender la experiencia de placer intelectual como aquella (...)
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  36.  18
    Refugiados Climáticos, Vulnerabilidad y Protección Internacional.Teresa Vicente Giménez - 2020 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 19:63-99.
    La cifra sobre desplazamiento forzoso en el mundo alcanzamáximos históricos, y se verá incrementada en el futuro debido aldesplazamiento humano que provoca el calentamiento del planeta y ladegradación ecológica que caracteriza la actual era del Antropoceno. Laprotección internacional que otorga el derecho a las personas que huyende sus tierras y buscan refugio está relacionada con la exposición a peligros,la vulnerabilidad y la dificultad de estas personas para ejercer susderechos humanos. La movilidad por causas ambientales provoca nuevosmotivos de protección jurídica no (...)
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    Cura e democrazia: il valore politico della cura.Paola Melchiori & Sandro Antoniazzi (eds.) - 2023 - Roma: Castelvecchi.
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  38. Actualidad política de Ortega y Gasset: Notas sobre sus escritos políticos de 1908-1914.Felipe Giménez Pérez - 2001 - El Basilisco 31:35-38.
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  39. Entrevista con Itziar Ruiz-Giménez, Presidenta de la Sección Española de Amnistía Internacional.Manuela Aguilera & Itziar Ruiz-Giménez Arrieta - 2008 - Critica 58 (957):76-84.
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    Present Trends of French Philosophical Thought: Introduction.Paola Zambelli - 1998 - Journal of the History of Ideas 59 (3):521-530.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Present Trends of French Philosophical ThoughtAlexandre Koyré and Paola ZambelliThe paper that is published here for the first time was read to the Graduate Faculty of the New School for Social Research by Alexandre Koyré, probably during one of his first trips to the United States as a visiting professor in the fall of 1946 or in the fall of 1950. 1 Given its content and the secondary (...)
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    A preliminary investigation about the relationship between well-being and fertility status in different menstrual cycle phases.Paola Iannello, Daniela Villani & Gaia Bruschi - 2016 - Mind and Society 15 (2):195-205.
    The present study aims at exploring whether the level of well-being vary as a function of fertility status in different phases of the ovulatory cycle. We investigated the multidimensional well-being, including the cognitive component of subjective well-being related to judgments about one’s life satisfaction, the psychological well-being concerning the full growth and self-realization of the individual, and self-esteem, that is the personal judgment of overall self-worth and is recognized as one indicator of well-being. On the basis of the cycle phase (...)
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    (1 other version)Rhythmanalysis: An Interview with Paola Crespi.Sunil Manghani & Paola Crespi - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    This text was first published in Theory, Culture & Society, May 13, 2015. For a special issue of Body & Society on ‘Rhythm, Movement, Embodiment', Paola Crespi presents two previously untranslated texts, Rudolf Bode's ‘Rhythm and its Importance for Education' and Rudolf Laban's ‘Eurhythmy and Kakorhythmy'. In the following interview she uncovers further unpublished and untranslated sources and she discusses some of the main themes of these texts in relation to the more widely known text - Danse, théâtre et (...)
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    Motherhood, mothering and care among Mongolian herder women.María E. Fernández-Giménez, Tugsbuyan Bayarbat, Chantsallkham Jamsranjav & Tungalag Ulambayar - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-19.
    As interest in women’s roles in agriculture increases, research on women livestock-keepers remains limited. Advances in feminist scholarship highlight farming women’s dual roles in agricultural production and biological and socio-cultural reproduction, including women’s uncompensated labor in child-bearing, child-rearing and home-making. To expand knowledge about women pastoralists’ lived experiences, we conducted life-history interviews with 25 herder women in two regions of Mongolia, following-up with participatory workshops in each region. As mothering and carework emerged as key themes, we drew on feminist care (...)
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    Hybridity and Constitutional Taxonomy in Latin America.Francisca Pou Giménez - 2022 - The Law and Ethics of Human Rights 16 (2):245-272.
    This article focuses on Latin American constitutionalism with two goals in mind. The first goal is to identify narratives of constitutional mixity or hybridity that have been influential in Latin America, something that habilitates a comparative analysis with references to mixed or hybrid constitutionalism in other scenarios. One narrative underlines the combination of U.S.-inspired constitutionalism with background civil law systems. Another narrative highlights the way classic regional constitutional designs feature a liberal-conservative hybridation that, some claim, continue to influence constitutional dynamics (...)
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    Un'idea di Europa: liberalismo, democrazia ed etica a inizio Novecento.Paola Cattani - 2024 - Venezia: Marsilio.
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    Espinalt's concept of human will and character and its consequences for moral education.Carme Giménez-Camins & Josep Gallifa - 2011 - Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics 2 (2):121-150.
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    Entre os ataques nobiliárquicos e a coesão do reino: a atuação de María de Molina nas minoridades régias de Fernando IV e Alfonso XI.José Carlos Gimenez & Carlos Eduardo Zlatic - 2016 - Dialogos 20 (2):82.
    Neste artigo, realiza-se uma discussão sobre as atividades políticas de María de Molina, regente do trono castelhano após a morte do esposo e rei Sancho IV, em 1295, durante a minoridade do filho Fernando IV, de 1295 a 1301, assim como no decurso da minoridade do neto Alfonso XI, de 1212 a 1325. Nesses quase vinte e seis anos na condução política do reino, María de Molina constitui-se o principal baluarte da resistência e das negociações dos assuntos do reino diante (...)
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    Gesetz und Mimesis im Politikos.José Antonio Giménez - 2021 - In Julia Pfefferkorn & Antonino Spinelli (eds.), Platonic Mimesis Revisited. Academia – ein Verlag in der Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. pp. 313-334.
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  49. La educación transformadora de la realidad social.Mercedes Blanchard Giménez - 2011 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 61 (972):14-15.
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    La santidad en la Biblia.Agustín Giménez González - 2020 - Isidorianum 28 (55):75-85.
    El presente artículo tiene tres partes. La primera se centra en la santidad de Dios desde los textos bíblicos, siendo esta fuente de toda otra santidad, la cual se manifiesta en su belleza, su verdad y su bondad. La segunda desarrolla la invitación divina al hombre de vivir esta santidad en el proyecto original de la creación, así como la pobre respuesta del ser humano. La tercera mira al futuro en el que Dios ha prometido llevar a cabo la santificación (...)
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